Awareness of Colon Cancer- What to Do?

colon cancer awareness

Thanks to the advancement of innovative screening methods, colorectal cancer can be a disaster, and can also be very preventable at the same time. You can greatly decrease the risks and lead a longer, safer life if you are aware of the signs and symptoms of this disease as well as using preventative monitoring steps like colonoscopy.

The term for all cancer beginning in the colon or rectum that is widely used is colorectal cancer. The colon and rectum both form part of the large intestine and are central to the digestive system of the body.

Colorectal cancer typically begins with colon or rectum lining development, which is referred to as a polyp. Not every polyp is cancer, but can lead to cancer if the right treatment option is not chosen at the right time. Colorectal cancer is often diagnosed by individuals with the symptoms listed:

  • Bloating

  • Stool that contains blood

  • Diarrhea

  • Feeling like the bowel doesn't drain absolutely

  • Cramps or gas pains

  • Stools those are narrow

  • Splitting or vomiting.

  • Unintentional loss of weight

Because symptoms typically will not develop before the disease is advanced, patients with such risk factors should work with their health professional to ensure that they are adequately screened to ensure prevention. Factors that can increase the risk of a person developing colorectal cancer include:

  • Age: People aged 50 and over are at higher risk for colorectal cancer growth.

  • Family History: People who have a family medical background of colorectal cancer, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease are more likely to develop the disease.

  • Lifestyle Decisions: People with high fat diets or smoking are more likely to get this disease than people who do indulge in such a lifestyle.

What to Do for Awareness?

The first thing that you need to do is go for a colonoscopy without delay. Getting any of the signs and delaying with the treatment can cost your life. There is no embarrassment or humiliation in going for a screening. Rather, essential measures should be taken before it is too late.

Book your schedule with Screen the City in OKC. Our expert pathologists can conduct your screening flawlessly so that you can get an accurate result.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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