Colonoscopy: Get It Done Before the Year Ends

It has been recorded in most studies that people get scared when they hear about getting a colonoscopy done. They tend to go the other way, thinking it will be excruciating. However, it is vital to get it done at least once a year to prevent the risk of colon cancer. The doctors claim that if the result of a colonoscopy is good, then the patient might not have to get themselves checked for almost ten years.

Colonoscopy in Oklahoma City is known to be one of the best and most efficient testing methods for colon cancer. It is recommended to get your first colonoscopy done by the age of 45. Some physician uses this technique to acquire a piece of tissue to test it in the lab. This article covers the reasons why you should get your colonoscopy done at the end of the year.

The Ideology Behind ‘Ideal Time’ for Colonoscopy

You might have heard people saying that the end of the year is the ideal time to get your colonoscopy done. That is, in fact, not a written actuality, as there is no ideal time to get your test done. You can get it whenever you want, be it at the end or the beginning of the year depending on your health condition But the main reason why it is being said is that this is the holiday period and you can go for your routine checkup during this time of the year. You get to rest from doing your regular work and enjoy quality time with yourself and family. If you get your colonoscopy done during this time, your whole family can be there to support you. This also lets you start your new year with the peace of mind that there isn’t anything wrong with your colon.

People Eligible for Colonoscopy

Before you get a colonoscopy, check if you really need one. Most specialists suggest that people who are below 45 and are not experiencing any colon problems can skip getting tested. However, people who have a family history of colon cancer should not avoid this diagnosis at any cost.

People older than that can get a routine colonoscopy done to ensure there aren’t any abnormalities present in their colon. People who might have suffered from some kind of colon problem should also have a regular colonoscopy to know the condition and go for treatment if needed.

Colonoscopy Is the Best Out of All

There are many kinds of colon cancer screening available for patients. They can consult their doctors and choose the examination that best suits their condition. Although most specialists claim that colonoscopy is the ideal test for colon cancer screening. The main reason behind is that a colonoscopy not only looks for signs of cancer but also ensures that your colon does not have any other abnormality. If there are any polyps in your colon, the doctor can remove them during the colonoscopy process.

Contact Us Today

If you feel you are suffering from any colon abnormality or should get your regular colonoscopy done, then contact Screen the City. They have a top-notch facility where you can get your screening done by specialists who have been doing this for years. Sign up now to get your screening done today.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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