Colonoscopy Screening: Does It Hurt?

Let's imagine for a moment that you have visited a doctor. After examining your symptoms, he or she suggests that you need to do a colonoscopy. But you get scared and don’t visit there again and let yourself suffer. The report says many people become afraid when they hear about colonoscopy screening.

But the truth is that it is not painful at all. You may not even remember about the procedure after returning to your senses. In this article, we have discussed the preparation and the procedure in detail and also answered some FAQs. This will help the the readers to understand that there is nothing to fear.

Is Colonoscopy a Cancer Detecting Tool?

In this procedure, the expert inserts a flexible tube with a lighted camera through your rectum. The specialist can see the condition of the colon and also take samples for biopsy with the tool. This screening detects cancer and remove cancerous polyps from the colon if required.

Is There Any Special Preparation I Have to Take?

Nothing much. You need to start the preparation at least a week before the colonoscopy screening. Your doctor may prescribe a laxative or over-the-counter medications. If there is any question regarding this, ask your doctor.

Generally, everybody uses regular toilet paper but after going to the bathroom several times it can be harsh on your skin. It would be good if you use moist wipes which are full of aloe and vitamin E. You should also eat foods that do not cause any constipation and are easier to pass. The following foods are sports drinks, fiber food, gelatin, fruit juices, frozen pops and broths.

Is the Procedure Painful?

In most cases, people experience almost no pain or slight discomfort during the procedure. As doctors give pain medicine and mild sedation to the patients, , they may feel a little bit of pain after the process but it is negligible. You may notice abdominal cramps, bloating and gas and anesthetic side effects. You also experience vomiting and nausea after consuming the laxative before the colonoscopy screening.

Get Screened Today!

In general, if an individual is above 45 and has a family history of colon cancer, doctors ask him or her to get a screening. Remember colonoscopy can save your life until it’s too late. If your doctor suggests you do the test, just do it. There is nothing to be afraid of. Don’t let your fear obstruct you from getting healthy. If you have any queries about the procedure, email us at Screen The City.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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