Colorectal Screening Can Help Save Many Lives from Cancer

Most people avoid going to the doctor unless they get in a situation where they have to. People refrain from getting regular checks that would ensure that their bodies are in good shape. Similarly, a particular test can detect the most common type of cancer. Many people know about it but still, avoid getting it.

The test is known as colonoscopy screening which helps to detect colon cancer. Every year many new cases of colon cancer are found among men and women and some lead to death because of late diagnosis. The current guideline states that people should check themselves early as they cross 45 years of age to avoid serious risk factors.

The Reason Why Early Detection Is Necessary

People get scared when they hear the word ‘cancer,’ but you must understand that you can successfully treat it with on-time and correct detection. Some of the best medical oncologists claim that if colon cancer undergoes early detection, it can help to save lives. That is because a colonoscopy screening can help doctors see if there are any polyps. Once they find polyps in your colon, they remove them, thus preventing them from ever becoming cancerous.

It is helpful to start getting a colonoscopy screening at the age of 45, but you need to consider some other factors:

  • Genetics

  • Medical History

  • Family History

There are additional risk factors too that sign to an early screening. You can check with your insurance provider to know if they can cover the screening cost

Risk Factors That Get Reduced by Colonoscopy Screening

Some people do not suffer from symptoms at the early stage of colon cancer. Therefore, you need to understand all the risk factors associated with this disease.

Medical History-

If you have a history of inflammatory bowel disease, it increases the chance of colon cancer. You must ask your doctor and get a colonoscopy screening as early as possible.

The Right Age-

It is essential to understand that colon cancer mostly happens in adults older than 45. Doctors recommend that young people who suffer from gastrointestinal bleeding get themselves checked.

History of Colon Cancer in Family-

People with close relatives who have had colon cancer should opt for screening. They are at higher risk of getting this disease than others.

Some Common Questions Regarding Colon Cancer

What are the Different Types of Colon Cancer Tests?

There are mainly two types of colon cancer tests, which are:

  • Colonoscopy Screening- This can detect both cancer and polyps in your colon.

  • Stool Test for Blood or DNA- It can only detect cancer.

What Is the Right Way to Prepare for Colonoscopy Screening?

You must follow specific rules from the day before the test. The doctors instruct the patients about the medications and tell them what they should do before getting the screening. You must have the prescribed liquid the day before the screening. It will help clean your bowel so you can complete the test correctly.

The Right Place to Get Yourself Checked

If you want to get an accurate colonoscopy support , you should contact Screen The City. We have some leading doctors on our team who’ll provide you with the best care. Call (405) 702-1300 to book the screening today.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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