Do You Have Any Risk of Having Colon Cancer?

According to research, almost 51,000 Americans die from colon cancer every year. Colon cancer is the second most common cancer that leads the patient to death. Therefore, it is time to increase awareness about preventing colon cancer. If any type of growth develops in the large intestine, then it is called a colon polyp. It may be precancerous depending on the situation. But the specialist can remove it easily during a colonoscopy screening. The screening can examine the entire large intestine in detail.

According to research, there is a 40% chance that your doctor can find a precancerous colon polyp during a colonoscopy screening. If the colon polyp is not removed within 10 years after the screening, then it may develop into cancer. 

You Can Prevent Colon Cancer 

You can prevent colon cancer in a few ways. The colon polyp is found in colonoscopy screening. You should do the screening so that the doctor can examine your intestine. If you do it once every 10 years, then you can prevent colon cancer. Colonoscopy does not just detect the polyp, it can also prevent cancer actively. 

What Should You Know?

It is a fact that doctors do not know the reason behind the formation of colon polyp. Research shows that two-thirds of polyps are precancerous that are found during a colonoscopy screening. However, if you don’t have a family history of colon cancer, then you should do screening at age 50. It is a fact that African-Americans suffer from colon cancer more than others though the reason is unknown. If you are an African-Americans, then you should start screening at an early age. 

The Risk Factors That You Should Be Aware of

·      If you are suffering from abdominal obesity or obesity, then you should do a colonoscopy screening.

·      If you have a family history, it is a risk factor.

·      Consuming alcohol too much

·      Smoking

·      Red meat consumption

According to research, if your BMI climbs five more than usual, you have a 19 percent high risk of colon cancer. Therefore, you should exercise regularly, lose weight, do not eat red meat, alcohol and quit smoking.

Do Screening Now

Now, you are aware of colon cancer and how dangerous it can be. Therefore, you should consult with a specialist about colonoscopy screening. You can contact Screen The City and the specialist will help you to guide you in this matter.


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