Here Are 5 Colonoscopy Prep Tips to Kill the Nerves!

Studies have found colorectal cancer to cause the second highest number of cancer deaths in the United States of America. Nothing could be more unfortunate since when colon cancer screening is attempted early, the number of deaths could be below halved.

A colonoscopy is one of the most effective ways to detect precancerous colon polyps that eventually turn out to be critical in preventing colorectal cancer. We made a list of colonoscopy prep tips that can ease up the procedure for you.

#1 Schedule an Appointment

The first and easily the most important step in your colonoscopy process is to schedule an appointment with a trusted medical clinic. It is essential that you schedule your appointment with plenty of time in hand; this ensures that you don’t have to rush at the last moment and can find a date that suits you best. Clear your schedule, take a day off work, and make sure you have no errands to run the night before and the day of the colonoscopy. You will also need a family member or friend to escort you home after you are done at the clinic.

#2 Stock Up on Good Quality TP

As a part of the prep, you will be asked to drink this laxative-like concoction. As a result, the night before the colon cancer screening, you will be passing a lot of loose stools. This does improve by the next morning, but it is advisable you stock up on soft ply toilet paper. No one wants to be stuck in the bathroom during a loose motion episode WITHOUT TP.

#3 Avoid Fiber the day Before

Fiber is your best friend all year round except the day right before your colonoscopy. That’s right; doctors will usually recommend low-residue (soft) foods that pass through the colon with relative ease. Eggs, fish, skinned chicken, and pasta with butter (avoid tomato sauce) are some of the popular options. However, we suggest you save the whole-grain bread, cereals, nuts, and fiber-packed vegetables for after the colonoscopy.

#4 Flavor Your Prep Drink

The prep drink is essentially what makes it possible for the doctors to access a clear image of the colon, but none can deny how unpalatable it tastes. If you find it entirely impossible to down the prep, you can mix it with your favorite Gatorade. Crystal light and coconut water are some low-sugar alternatives.

#5 Split the Prep

A lot of doctors now suggest splitting the prep drink into two doses - half the night before and the other half the morning of. This often results in cleaner colon cancer screening procedures. Do note that you will need to intake the second half of the prep at least 4 hours before undergoing the colonoscopy. Depending on the time of your appointment, you might need to wake up pretty early. Set an alarm, so that you don’t end up accidentally botching the procedure.

Getting Screened Today Can Save Your Life Tomorrow

The bad news? Colon cancer claims the second most number of cancer-related deaths in America. The good news? 60% of colon cancer deaths can be prevented with something as simple as a timely colon cancer screening. Get screened today at Digestive Disease Specialists, Inc. located in Oklahoma City. Visit our website for contact details or simply sign up for one of our representatives to reach out to you.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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