Illuminating Colon Woes: Safeguard Health With Screening

The human body is a complex and miraculous machine, but even the finest machines need regular tune-ups. One such tune-up, not as famous as the annual physical or dentist appointment but just as pivotal, is the colonoscopy. This lesser-known procedure is a silent hero, detecting colon cancer and navigating you toward opting for long-term digestive health.

The Inside Scoop: Exploring the Ins and Outs of Colonoscopy

"Your health journey deserves a smooth ride. Choose a colonoscopy and steer clear of uncertainty. It's a small detour that leads to long-term digestive wellness."

  • A colonoscopy is a colon screening procedure that allows your physician to examine the colon's lining.

  • It is performed using a colonoscope which is a thin and flexible tube. It has a small camera attached to its end.

  • During a screening test, your doctor can remove polyps and take tissue samples for further examination.

Time for Action: Scheduling Your Colon Check Appointment

Scheduling your screening test is straightforward and effortless.

Make an Appointment

To move forward with your appointment request, please ensure you've read and agreed to the following terms and conditions:

  • A scheduling team will reach out to you to validate your information prior to finalizing your appointment.

  • After your colonoscopy screening or any other tests, it's strongly suggested that you connect with your primary healthcare provider to discuss the results.

  • If you suspect you're pregnant or currently breastfeeding, please get in touch with your primary healthcare provider before proceeding to schedule your test.

Unmasking the Mystery: Diagnostic vs. Screening Colonoscopy

  • A diagnostic colonoscopy is performed when a patient is experiencing symptoms or a problem is found during another type of test.

  • A screening colonoscopy is a preventive measure performed even when there are no symptoms present, typically starting at age 50.

Trouble in the Gut: Unraveling Gastrointestinal Diseases Through Screening

It diagnoses and often treats a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases, including:

  • Diverticulosis: This condition is characterized by small pouches or bulges, called diverticula, in the lining of your colon.

  • Diverticulitis: This is an inflammation or infection of the diverticula.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: IBD denotes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, which causes severe inflammation in the digestive tract.

  • Ischemic Colitis: This condition involves inflammation and injury inside the colon due to reduced blood flow.

  • Large Bowel Obstruction: This is a blockage in the colon that prevents gas or feces from passing. A colon screening test can help identify the location and cause of the obstruction, such as a tumor or a stricture.

Urgent Gut Instincts: When Emergency Alarm Rings

In some emergency cases, such as severe rectal bleeding or sudden, severe pain, unexpected fatigue, weight loss, a diagnostic colon screening can identify and possibly detect the problem.

Decoding the Verdict: Interpreting Screening Result

  • A positive result signifies the presence of polyps or abnormal tissue in the colon.

  • A negative result shows no abnormal growth is present. Both outcomes provide valuable information about your colon health.

Positive Twist: Navigating a Positive Result with Confidence

If your colonoscopy result is positive, don't panic. Polyps or abnormal tissue are common findings and most are not cancerous. Your doctor will discuss the next steps, which may include removal of the polyps or further testing.

Counting the Cost: Unveiling the Price Tag

The cost of screening may vary based on several factors, including your location, the healthcare provider and your insurance coverage. It's best to consult your healthcare provider or insurance company for the most accurate information.

Take Charge of Your Colon Health

Remember, it's always the right time to do the right thing for your health. So please don't wait for a check engine light to flash in your body; tune it up regularly with a colonoscopy in OKC. To schedule your test or learn more about colonoscopies, reach out to Digestive Disease Specialists, INC. – the best pit crew for your digestive health journey.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


Screening Secrets: Unveiling the Colon Cancer Chronicles


Colorectal Cancer: Early Detection Is The Way To Prevention