It Is the Time to Take Colon Cancer Sincerely

Colon cancer is a lethal disease that has become more prevalent in recent years as a result of our bad lifestyles and eating habits. The digestive tract, including the small and large intestines, is attacked by this malignancy. Men are more likely than women to develop colon cancer, and the risk increases with age. It's a colon growth that usually results from a polyp. The polyp resembles little cauliflower florets and might sometimes appear flat. When it spreads, it can cause life-threatening problems. That is why colonoscopy screening holds great importance.

Colon cancer is caused by a variety of factors.

Although no precise reasons can be identified, several factors such as heredity, food, and health have been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer.

Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis are two genetic disorders linked to this condition.

The eating of red meat on a regular basis has been demonstrated to enhance the risk. Colon cancer is uncommon in Eastern countries, where red meat consumption is lower than in Western countries.

Heavy drinking and smoking have also been reported to activate cancer cells. Diabetes, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle with insufficient exercise, and inflammatory illnesses like ulcerative colitis have all been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer.

What symptoms should you be on the lookout for?

Symptoms that indicate cancer cells in the rectum or colon include:

•        Bowel motions with blood.

•        Weight reduction

•        Stomach pain, which can range from mild to severe.

•        Diarrhea or constipation Bowel movements that are disrupted.

The worst part is that the symptoms don't appear until the disease has progressed significantly. As a result, those aged 50 to 75 should get screened on a regular basis.

Colonoscopy screening comprises a stool test at home called FOBT (Fecal Occult Blood Testing), a Flex Sig (flexible sigmoidoscopy), and a colonoscopy. These tests must be performed on a yearly basis to check for blood cells in stool samples.

A small tube is inserted into the colon from the rectum for checking polyps during the Flex Sig and colonoscopy. The colon as a whole is inspected. Before the procedure, an enema is given to cleanse the excreta. Colonoscopy is usually performed under anesthetic, and the patient may feel sleepy afterward, requiring time off from work and a ride home.

Colon cancer fatalities have been reduced by more than 60% because to effective and timely screening exams.


Cancer in its early stages is tiny and localized, requiring minimal intervention. Small tumors can be surgically removed, and the remaining cells can be chemotherapeutically destroyed. In advanced stages, the infected colon must be removed and reattached to the rectum. Alternative treatments and better eating habits can help the patient's condition.

Reach us at Screen the City by booking your schedule online.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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