What You May Not Know About Colon Cancer Screening?


Colonoscopy is an endoscopic treatment for the whole of the intestine. It is used to screen normally people after age 50, and earlier if there is strong family history of large intestinal cancer. Colonosocpy uses a long tubular, flexible, light-filled tubular instrument named colonoscope. Small polyp removal and tumor growth biopsy may involve colonoscopy.

Bowel diseases such as colitis, ulcerative and Crohn's disease are also used. It is used to monitor any growth that may reoccur after bowel cancer therapy.

Colon Cancer Symptoms

  • Rectal bleeding

  • Changes in bowel habit

  • Feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation

  • Weight loss without any reason

  • Feeling tired and fatigue

Is It Painful?

Depending on the ease of advancement, the procedure usually takes 5-10 minutes. Most patients are generally well tolerated. The air is placed in the large intestine and there is a small sense of clamping. The tube goes where you think it does. Sedation helps to make the patient relaxed during the procedure. But there's nothing you're going to feel.

A monitored anesthesia is used in colonoscopies. Medicine will be given to you, which will keep you comfy, almost painless and unconscious.

The medicine is administered and monitored carefully, monitoring your heart, breathing and blood pressure, for the duration of the procedure, so that doctors can concentrate on colonoscopy.

A few hours after the procedure, you might pass gas which is completely normal.

Preventive Steps against Colon Cancer

Lifestyle Changes

Eat more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fewer foods, as well as red or processed meat. Limit consumption of alcohol and do not smoke.


If you have average risk, discuss other test options with your healthcare provider and ask about coverage for your insurer. Flexible sigmoidoscopy, using a short tube to examine the lower and rectal colon, and CT colonoscopy, in which a tube is inserted in the rectum and the X-ray scanner creates photos, are also used to detect polyps and cancer which require bowel preparation. Stool tests can find signs of cancer and do not need to be prepared for bowel. Colonoscopy should be followed up on abnormalities found in an alternative test.

Make your schedule with Screen the City today for colon cancer screening.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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