5 Tips for Colonoscopy Preparation

You might need to get your colonoscopy screening done if you are having any certain anomalies and you have any sort of family history regarding cancer. Finding someone to get your screening done in OKC is not that big a problem. But the major problem lies with the person who gets the screening as he/she might be scared from the idea of a tube going in through their butt.

At times like this, following a few of the tips listed below might help you lessen the pain and fear. Read this article to find out what those tips are.

Be Aware of the Date of the Screening

Plan your date of colonoscopy screening by consulting with your doctor in such a manner that you get some time to prepare yourself for the test. If you don't do that and plan the test just two or three days before, you might get scared by the thought of the test.

Liquid and Fiber Free Diet

The day right before the test, you should have a liquid diet. Also for that very day and a few days earlier there should be no fiber in your diet. Which means things like nuts, corn and red meat must be prohibited from the diet. You could add things like Jell-O, Seven Up and other similar drinks to your diet.

Put Some Flavoring in the Prep Drink

Drinking something that is basically tasteless is a very hard thing to do. It is recommended that you mix any kind of flavoring to the prep drink so that it gets easier for you to swallow. It is also recommended that you divide the drink in 3 to 4 parts. That will also help you swallowing the whole solution.

Stock Up Bathroom Supply

On the day of the screening, you will naturally have to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. That is why, stocking yourself with sufficient bathroom supplies that are not hard on your skin is very important. So stock yourself up with things like wet wipes, soft toilet paper, coconut oil etc.

Ease Back into Normal Diet

When you get your colonoscopy done, you will be starving. But as you have had a light diet for the past few days, jumping back into a super oily and greasy diet might not be the best idea. So take a little bit of time to slowly move back into the regular diet.

Prevention Is a Must

These tips will just be able to soothe your pain and fear of the colonoscopy screening. But you will have to get through the screening process yourself. But if you need any further information or help, you can give us a call. We, here at Screen the City, have some of the best doctors and consultants in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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