What to do if Polyps are Found During Your Colonoscopy Screening?

Colonoscopy screening is used to find out the presence of colorectal cancer. For that reason, it is necessary to get colon cancer screening frequently after a certain point in time. If there are no anomalies in the reports, then you should be okay for quite a long time. But what will you do if the doctor finds polyps during the screening? We asked this question to the leading doctors and professionals of OKC and compiled this article for you.

Having polyps in your colon doesn’t necessarily mean that you have cancer. But it increases the chance of developing malignancy in the future. Which means you might have to change the schedule of your follow-up screenings.

How the Process Is Done?

Once polyps are discovered during a colon cancer screening, they are first analyzed by the doctors. According to the results, the doctors will schedule you with follow-up screenings. This way you will be able to minimize your chances of developing a malignancy.

Now that you know about the diagnosis of the polyps in your colon, you should also know about some of the possible treatments. The most commonly practiced treatment for this disease is to remove the polyps using forceps or a wire loop. Other than that, the doctors sometimes opt for minimally invasive surgery depending on the severity of the polyps.

What Can be Expected?

If these polyps become so harmful to the patient, then the doctors may get the whole colon and rectum removed. All of that depends on the number, type, and size of the polyps. This is why you must get your colonoscopy screening done timely and take the necessary steps to keep yourself away from colorectal cancer.

Get Your Screening From Screen The City

In the article above, we talked about the diagnosis and treatment process of the polyps found. But knowing such processes will be useless if you do not get to know about the polyps in the first place. That is why it is very important to get an initial colon cancer screening done by reputed and responsible doctors.

And when you are looking for colon cancer screening in OKC, your best option is Screen The City. We have some of the most skilled professionals to provide you with the best service. You can rest assured that we will work our hardest to help you detect and cure your disease.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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