Colonoscopy Procedure: Before and After

Are you ready for colon cancer screening? You don’t need to be hesitant with anything as we will provide you ample information. This may be a time-consuming procedure, but colonoscopy is vital for good health. In this way, doctors can take a close look at the digestive system.

A plethora of information is available on the internet about colonoscopy. However, you don’t need to be hesitant. Screen the City is presenting the whole procedure that will definitely quench your thirst of questions.

Before the procedure

Preparation is the most time-consuming part of colonoscopy. It begins a day before the actual procedure takes place. However, some of the advances make the process more bearable. Before colon cancer screening in OKC, you should have a liquid clear diet. It includes plain water, plain coffee or tea. Avoid anything in red as it may be mistaken with blood during the procedure.

Besides having a clear diet, take a clear laxative. It will clear the intestines. You can now easily swallow the laxative. Otherwise, the doctor cannot see your colon.  Doctors will also tell you to avoid certain foods like seeds, stringy foods etc.

If you are taking the medications, you need to adjust the same. Tell your doctor what medications you are taking now. Based on the importance of the medicine, doctors will adjust the medication schedule.

After the procedure

Under the influence of sedative, you cannot go home instantly after colonoscopy. Doctors will not release you until there is someone to take you home. Drowsiness could last up for one day. That is why, you are advised not to do any kind of machinery related work.

You may feel bloated because the air was injected into the intestine. Once you start to release the air, you will feel normal within 30 minutes to an hour. If you already had a biopsy, your doctor will recommend a special diet. It will allow your intestines to heal. Doctor will also let you know what you should eat and drink.

  Book your schedule with Screen the City in OKC to get your diagnosis done early.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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