You Might Not Know But Colon Cancer Is Preventable


Colon cancer does not receive the same level of treatment as some of the more well-known cancers, but it should. With 140,000 people diagnosed each year, it is the 3rd most common cancer in the USA. In addition, more than a million people have a history of the disease.

The good thing about colon cancer is that it can be avoided. 75% of all incidents could be prevented if you took such precautions. Use this guideline to help you reduce the risk. Colonoscopy will save your life if caught early enough. Some people put off getting their colon cancer checked because they are afraid of getting a negative diagnosis. However, delaying screening causes polyps to turn into cancer and spread, making treatment more difficult.

You have a greater chance of identifying symptoms of colon cancer early, when it's most treatable, if you meet prescribed screening guidelines. Treatment becomes more difficult after colon cancer has increased in size or spread to other areas of the body. The five-year survival rate for colon cancer patients who advance to stage four is less than 10%. Don't put off getting screened because you're experiencing symptoms.

Rectal bleeding, blood in the stools, thinning stools, and unexplained weight loss are all symptoms of colon cancer.

Risk factors for colon cancer

It’s unknown what causes colon cancer to grow, but some risk factors raise the chances of being affected by colon cancer.

Risk factors include:

• Age – Your risk increases as you get older.

• Race– The prevalence of colon cancer is higher among Black Americans.

• Lifestyle – Smoking and drinking too much alcohol raise the risk.

• Medical background – Colon cancer runs in your family, and having a personal history of other colon-related illnesses like ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease raises your risk. Similarly, if you've already been diagnosed with colon cancer, you're more likely to get it again.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Except smoking, obesity puts a person at a high risk of colon cancer. Obesity and weight gain are related to 11 types of cancers. If you can maintain the weight you were at your 18s would a good idea. If you are already overweighed, the first goal would be to control weight gain. It comes with own health benefits and work to the better.

Don’t Smoke

Quitting cigarettes is the best gift you can ever bestow for your health. Smoking causes at least 14 types of cancers along with colon cancer along with the other severe risks of various diseases like stroke, heart disease, emphysema.

Be Physically Active

Being physically active will keep a number of serious illnesses away in addition with colon cancer. It would give you a great mental confidence. Doing a little amount of physical activity is better than doing nothing and you can moderately grow up the level of activities. Do whatever physical exercise you like – be it walking, cycling, and hitting the gym, yoga or even gardening.

Limit your intake of red meat

Excessive consumption of red meat, such as beef, hamburger, and pork, raises the risk of colon cancer. Processed foods, such as bacon, sausage, and bologna, add to the risk. Per week, limit yourself to three servings. Much less is preferable.

Make your way to the Screen the City if you are at 45 or surpassed the age but yet not done with colonoscopy.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


Colonoscopy Procedure: Before and After


Guidelines Used for Lower Colorectal Screening