Colonoscopy Screening: Gives You a Peace of Mind

"Prevention is better than cure."

You must have heard this but do you follow this? We lead a hectic and fast-paced life where taking proper care of your body becomes very hard. You must ensure that you eat healthy food and exercise to keep your body in shape. But will just eating healthy ensure you are fit? No, you have to consider going to regular check-ups and getting exams done, which your doctor recommends. Colonoscopy screening is one such prevention that can save your life. This helps to prevent cancer from occurring and also detects many other disorders.

The Reason People Opt for Colonoscopy Screening

Colonoscopy screening is done to detect and prevent colon cancer, but why do you think so many people choose it? The main reason for this is:

  • It is a non-invasive procedure, so you don't have to go under the knife

  • It is a pain-free process

  • It can detect a lot more than just cancer

The doctors usually recommend this so that they can look for polyps that often develop into cancer. Other than that, if the patient has GI distress, chronic obstruction or diarrhea, or rectal bleeding, colonoscopy screening can be helpful.

The Importance of Colonoscopy

Doctors say that there is a high chance of survival for patients whose cancer is diagnosed in the early stage. But how will you diagnose it if you have no symptoms? This is why colonoscopy screening can be of grave significance to you. People with a family history of colon cancer have a high risk of getting it. If they opt to check themselves regularly, they'll know they do not have it. Similarly, many other diseases that are identified early can be handled better.

At-home Kit- Isn't Accurate

Some people wonder why they should go to a clinic to get their colonoscopy screening done when they have in-home kits available. Are you one of them? Then you have a lot of thinking to do because these tests aren't precise at all.

  • The kit can only tell you about certain cancer markers

  • It can't detect polyps in your rectum

  • They can't diagnose inflammatory gut conditions

A colonoscopy helps the GI specialist diagnose cancer markers in the earlier stage that the home might not detect. Now, do you find out of substitute with colonoscopy screening?

Risk of Cancer in Patients

Before deciding if colonoscopy screening is good for you or not, let's discuss who all are at high risk, which only a doctor can diagnose. This will help you understand when and how regularly you should get it done. You can consider yourself in the moderate risk category if:

  • You have a family history of colon cancer

  • You had polyps before

  • You had radiation done in your abdomen

On the other hand, you are in the high-risk category if:

  • You have Crohn's disease

  • You are diagnosed with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or Lynch syndrome

Don't Wait For Things To Get Worse

If you don't want your disease to worsen, you should check yourself at Screen the City. We have the finest doctors on our team who suggest getting yourself check if you are above 50. You can call us at (405) 702-1300 to eliminate any cancer risk.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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The Importance of Colonoscopy in the Detection of Cancer