The Importance of Colonoscopy in the Detection of Cancer

A colon is one of the worst places to get cancer. That is why doctors recommend you get your cancer detected at the earliest. Several methods can help you detect colon cancer. But colonoscopy Screening is one of the most effective among them. So, if your doctor thinks you have a risk of getting colorectal cancer, you should learn all you can about the topic.

What Is Colonoscopy Screening?

Colonoscopy is a method in which the doctors insert a tubelike device called a colonoscope inside your body through the back. After that, they use the device to get detailed images of the colon and the rectum. The doctors study these images to find out if there are any chances of malignancy in your body.

How Often Should You Get a Colonoscopy?

According to the leading doctors in the country, you must get your first colonoscopy screening after you are 45. This screening should tell you whether you have an increased risk of getting cancer. The following screening will be based on the results of this screening.

If your body shows any signs of getting colon cancer, you should get your next screening according to your doctor’s recommendations. But if that is not the case, you should be good for another ten years. You will have to continue this process till you are above 75, after that the need for regular screenings will stop.

The Preparations for Colonoscopy

If you are told to get a colonoscopy at a nearby date, you have to get started with some preparations. This will allow you to get a less painful and more accurate colorectal cancer screening.

● You should cut down fiber from your diet as much as you can. These easy-to-digest food items would help you keep your system clean when you approach the screening.

● In many cases, doctors recommend you stop taking vitamins and other supplements. Do not forget to speak with your doctor about it.

● A complete liquid diet is required on the penultimate day of screening. You can consume things like sports drinks and other similar see-through drinks.

● Avoid alcohol during the period before the screening.

The Pain During the Screening

Colonoscopy is mostly painless because of the usage of sedation. But when the colonoscope is inserted inside the body, it exhausts carbon dioxide to inflate the colon and get better imaging. Because of this, you might feel slight discomfort from the extra gas in your body.

The After Story of the Screening

Once the screening is done, you spend about an hour in the screening center recovering from the anesthesia. Shortly after that, your vitals would be checked. If everything is normal, you can go home after that. After a few days, you would get the report either by mail or digitally.

Screening the City for Years

As you have already learned the details about colonoscopy screening, you should be ready. Call Screen The City now to book an appointment and get your screening from one of the best cancer screening labs in the city. Your call would let you take a large leap in detecting and curing your cancer.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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