Colonoscopy Screening: Severe Signs to Consider Before the Test

After suffering from abdominal pain or experiencing a change in your bowel system for several months, you may decide to go to a doctor. But the doctor recommends you do a colonoscopy before prescribing any medications. Now, you may know the procedure and preparation of colonoscopy screening and it doesn't sound very good. But the process is not as bad or complicated as you think it is.

Most people do not like that the doctor prodding their bodies but colonoscopy screening can save your life. No one experiences pain due to this process till now. According to several research, colorectal cancer is one of the ten most common cancers among U.S. citizens.

When Should You Do a Colonoscopy?

●       If you are older than 45, then you must do the screening.

●       If you have a family history of colon cancer.

●       Experience abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and also notice changes in your bowel habits.

●       May feel that the bowel isn't emptying.

●       Persistent gas or cramp.

●       pencil-thin stools, weakness,

●       weight loss

●       fatigue

What Does the Screening Check?

It is a screening test for colorectal cancer that starts in the rectum or colon. Remember that the colon is an important part of the large intestine and absorbs nutrients and water from food. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 150,000 people were diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2020 and approx. 53,000 people died from the disease.

If the doctor detects the problem in an early stage, then colorectal cancer has a 90% survival rate. Only colonoscopy screening can make it possible. This is the only screening test that can also prevent the cancerous growth. If the experts detect of the growth of colon polyps in the rectum, then they perform a removal process instantly to stop those from becoming cancerous.

Other Ways to Detect Colon Cancer

  1. You can also do a fecal occult blood test annually to detect the problem.

  2. The doctors often recommend a fecal immunochemical test to examine blood in your stool.

  3. Doctors can also see images of your entire colon by doing CT Colonography.

  4. FIT-DNA test looks for altered DNA in your stool.

The Procedure

The doctor can see inside your entire colon clearly during the process. The experts use hollow, lighted tubes which is known as a colonoscopy. This tool has a tiny video camera at the end. The doctor first pushes the tube inside the colon and takes several pictures. During the process, the doctors also search for cancerous polyps and if they find one, they remove them right away.

Get Screened Today

Presently, there is no confusion about the effectiveness and importance of colonoscopy screening. You should do the screening if you notice bleeding in your stool and abdominal pain for a prolonged period.  Do not delay to schedule your consultation with Screen The City and get your screening done under the supervision of expert doctors.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


A Detailed Preparation Guide for Colonoscopy


Learn More about New Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines