Is Colonoscopy Screening As Expensive As It Is Said to be?

Colon cancer is one of the most feared variants of cancer. According to specific surveys, this disease has taken more American lives than any other type of cancer. That is why it is necessary to get a scheduled colonoscopy screening after you have reached a certain age.

But you will find quite a few people who avoid going for screening thinking it to be an expensive process. Some even do not get an estimate before making their decisions. But, let us tell you that this can bring more trouble in the long run and cost you more dollars. We will give you some helpful information and an estimated cost of colon cancer screening tests.

Colonoscopy Screening: The Description You Need

There are a few methods of colon cancer screening available in the market. Colonoscopy is one of the most accepted methods among them. The key reason behind is this screening process is the most accurate way of detecting colon cancer than any other methods.


The patient must be sedated entirely or partially to conduct a colonoscopy screening. After that, the doctor inserts a colonoscope (a small tube-like device that allows you to see a person's insides) into the patient's body. Using this device, the doctor tries to find anomalies in the body. If they can find any polyp, they conduct further testing to decide whether the patient has colon cancer.

Doctors recommend a person getting colonoscopy screening every five years after age 45. Because, after 45, your chances of getting cancer increase drastically.

How Much Does Colonoscopy Screening Cost?

Before stopping yourself from getting this test done due to the expense, you are probably taking a wrong decision. It is essential to clear all your doubts before taking a final call. If you have no idea about the cost of the screenings, then the next section is for you.

Average Cost in the First Year:

These screenings are respectively higher in the first year. You must spend about $3700 to $4100 to get the first screening. After that, the cost keeps getting lower.

Average Cost in the Succeeding Years:

Once you get the first screening, your cost starts to reduce. On average, you have to pay about $1500 to $1800 for your following screening.

There might not be the cheapest option available, but after spending this amount, you can sleep peacefully at night, knowing that your life is not at risk.

One Screening Can Save Your Life

Colonoscopy screening is genuinely a lifesaving medical procedure. After the invention of this process, thousands of people could save themselves as they detected their disease in the early stages. So if you are over 45, consult your doctor and schedule your colon cancer screening. While you are at that, do not forget to call Screen The City. Our experts make sure you are absolutely comfortable throughout the process.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


About the Whole Process of Getting Colonoscopy Screening


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