What Can I Expect From My Colonoscopy Screening?

Most people get scared when they hear about colonoscopy. They think of it as a terrible procedure. But believe me, you don’t have to go through a lot of things, and you don’t even remember it after a day. According to the studies, colon cancer is one of the preventable problems among others if you do the screening on time. But the sad news is, that half of the adults do not take this initial test. As reported by the American Cancer Society, people who have a family history of colon cancer must undergo colonoscopy screening at the age of 45.

What is a Colonoscopy?

Generally, a doctor looks inside the large intestine of the patient by using a tube-shaped, thin device with a mini camera. The experts enter the device through the rectum and the colon and see if there is any sign of polyp. The experts can excise the polyp with the tool if they find any. Patients do not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure as they are given sedation medication.

What Do I Need to Do Before the Screening?

A doctor may ask you about your entire medical history before pursuing the colonoscopy screening. If you have any of these problems, make sure to inform your healthcare provider. The following are:

●       Lung conditions

●       Allergies to medications

●       Kidney disease

How Do the Doctors Perform the Screening?

The experts will suggest you lie on your left side of the table. After that, they will inject sedatives in your arm, and you will fall asleep. Next, the doctor will enter a colonoscope through your rectum and check the lining of your colon properly with its video camera and light. The specialist may also take a small sample of your colon to test it properly which is also known as a biopsy. If the experts found any polyp, they can remove it with the same tool.

How Often Should You Undergo This Procedure?

If you have an average risk or family history of colorectal cancer, then you must do it at 45 years of age. Doing this testing once in ten years can give you a sense of relief that you are out of danger for now. After reaching the age of 75, you must speak to your GI practitioner to know about the further requirement.

How to Book a Slot for Colonoscopy Screening?

Doing screening is the gold standard to identify colon cancer or any other GI disease. If you are above 45, then set up your slot at Screen The City. The experts will help you to stay calm and do a quick painless screening. 

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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