Hydrotherapy and Colon Disease - Is There Any Connection?

Most people wash their bodies every day or a couple of times a week. We know that washing our bodies helps us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, we may stink and suffer from various skin problems too. But do we think the same when it comes to our colons? It is the large intestine in our body that absorbs water and salts from water elements that travel through the body. We should also wash the colon as per doctors' recommendations to lead a healthy and disease-free life.

Colon hydrotherapy is a cleansing process where the experts use water to flush out waste from the large intestine. Various types of bacteria are present in this body part to break down the elements while passing through the rectum and anus.

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and simple process that does not only clean the intestine but also the whole body. Following this process in a while increases the overall health of an individual. However, if you are above 45 years and have a family history of colon cancer, do a colonoscopy screening immediately to check your colon health.

The Advantages We May Get

  • You Can Loss the Weight

Though there is no scientific evidence, many practitioners think that this procedure helps people to lose weight. Many patients have registered their experience that they have lost a few pounds. But it can be a result of losing fecal matter and water which is temporary.

  • Also, Detoxifies Your Body

Many people also believe that colonic irrigation can detoxify the body. Detoxification can help you to lead a better and disease-free life for many years. You may notice that many people consume detox water nowadays to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But remember that we have two organs in our body including the liver and kidneys which fulfill the same purpose.

  • The Procedure Can Treats IBS

Many experts also claim that colon hydrotherapy can treat the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you suffer from abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea, then these problems can be cured too. People who have taken this treatment get satisfied because they notice an improvement in their bowel movements and feel less disturbed.

Is the Process Safe?

It is undeniable that there is no such evidence that proves the benefits of hydrotherapy of the colon. Also, people have reported various negative side effects of this procedure such as cramping, soreness, stomach pain, bloating and irritation.

Understand How to Guard Yourself

A family history of colon cancer can higher the risk but with the right strategy, you can lower the possibility. Though you can give a try to hydrotherapy but always remember that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Call us at Screen The City to take a colonoscopy screening to shield yourself against cancer.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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