Guidelines Used for Lower Colorectal Screening


Recently, the American Cancer Society has updated colonoscopy screening guidelines, followed by lowering the age. A recent study claims that screening helps to reduce colorectal cancer rates. It also states that the incidence rate between young and middle age is increasing.

As per the guideline issued in 2018:

• Cancer risk in individuals starts from the age of 45. For this reason, they should undergo regular screening, including different tests. Tests including FIT, FOBT, stool DNA will happen every three years. Colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy will happen every five years. However, there is no hard and fast rule to do one test over another.

• There may be a positive result from the non-colonoscopy test. Although, you need to perform a follow-up colonoscopy for additional confirmation.

• Average colonoscopy screening should continue till 75 if the individual has good health.

• If a patient is aged between 76-85, he/she should make the screening decisions with the clinicians. However, it is based on patient’s preferences, screening history, and present health status.

• Individuals above age 85 should not continue screening.

The gastroenterologists of OKC states, these guidelines are appropriate. They also add, “It is an important step to address the high rates of colorectal cancer, including those who are younger than 50”.

What does it mean for you?

If you are at average risk, then also you should consider doing your screening by a specialist. However, you can ask your physician for the latest guidelines. This will be applicable for you, too, if your age is 45-49.

What is normal vs. high risk?

Having a family member with a risk of colorectal cancer will make you more prone to the disease. Other risk factors like inflammatory bowel disease, cigarette smoking, consuming fatty alcohol, diabetes are considered as the normal risk factor for colon cancer.

Options for colonoscopy cancer screening

Colonoscopy is the best way to screen colon cancer. According to the healthcare providers, colonoscopy can do both cancer diagnosis and removal of pre-cancerous polyps.

On the other hand, flexible colonoscopy can be done to detect cancer. However, it is recommended to perform the same frequently along with stool-based tests. Multiple tests will help to evaluate abnormal DNA that indicates colorectal cancer presence. It needs to be performed every two years.

Schedule your screening today

Colon cancer is the leading cause of death. However, you do not need to be worried. With the aid of colonoscopy, colon cancer can be detected at the initial stage. At Screen the City, professionals will perform a colonoscopy. Insurance providers will bear the costs of getting a life-saving colorectal screening. Sign up today to get screened.

**Disclaimer: This blog content does not intend to offer a doctor’s advice and mentions no relationship between any patient and the care provider.


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